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My trip to CVS.

January 3rd, 2008 at 08:54 pm

I am a big fan of CVS.This week they have
a big sale on CVS brand products.It buy
one get one half price.I have RA so I am
in pain alot so I got some of thouse
arthritis heatwraps for my shoulder and
a jar of dry roasted peanut.

At check out the cash rester kicked out
some very nice coupons one was a 10:00
extra bucks,10:00 off 50:00,a 4:00 extra
buck,and three more.

I used the 14:00 extra
buck right away to buy five bottle of body
wash....two of the softsoap pure cashmere
and three of the new Dove creame oil,they
all had the 50% off sticker on them ,I al
so was able to get a 7.8 0z.tub of the
new Crest night toothpast.

I got all that for free and in the store I
found a rebate on the toothpast to get a
coupon for a free tub.I think that was a
best buy.

Happy New Year


Comeback Girl

December 31st, 2007 at 12:01 am

I have so miss you all.Need to get back into
the swing of thing.Sorry I let my blog get
put on the retired list.

Catch up.
Haven't worked in a few weeks because of
health problem,my doctor won't to put me on
disability ,not sure what to do about that.

Still doing rebates,just sent off three in the last few days.

Got a 20:00 check from Walgreens for having
a rx moved from another drug store, on a lot of meds because of my many health problems.
Was able to get a few freebies.

Wild after christmas shopping at CVS they had most of there holiday deco on sale ...
if the price was 3.99,5.99,8.99 the sale
price was .39,.59,and.89,cent got some
fancy lights and some solid brass candle
lamps to put in my windows.Most places
only had 25 to 50 percent off.

Still sending for freebies and doing every
thing I can to save a little money where I can.

I wont to keep this blog up and visit this
site more often.


Last pay dayI

January 24th, 2007 at 06:00 am

It hard trying to live on a once a month
pay check.This month has been driffrent
because school was out early in december.

We got payed on the 20th of december and
wont see another pay check untill the end
of january.

Payed off what bills that I could the
other will have to wate.

Only use the credit card twice to restock.
Fresh veggies,fruit,soymilk,bread and soyburger.

So I almost have two weeks where I haven't
spent a penny.Well I don't have a penny
to spend.

Walking alot but,don't think I have lost
so much as a ounce.Will keep at it for
my health.

Freebies and rebate checks plus other
goodies has been filling my mailbox.


Another $20.00 added.

January 15th, 2007 at 04:01 pm

I have a lot of health problem from heart
to rheumatoid arthritis to both feet hurting all the time enought abouth that.

Kroger had this thing going about...having
a few prescription filled and for each one
they will give you a $20.00 credit to your

I had five filled for $100.00 they all
were for meds that I need everyday.

Off work today... MLK Day.. so for I have
only layed around and rested.Need to wash
dishes and do a little cleaning around
the house.

Have been devidening my plants so I can have
more in a less expenceses way.House plants
is one of the things I realy enjoy.

Also trying to loose a little weight that
will be very hard can't walk the way I
use too,but will give it my best try.

Wish me well.


Happy New Year

January 1st, 2007 at 03:42 am

Happy New Year

Have'nt posted for sometime now.In and out
of the doctor office.Doing ok now.

Will try to keep up to date on thing.

Have had a nice time off work.Go back on
Jan 3rd.

Need to jump back in with both feet...miss
geting a freebie every day and miss you all to.

May you all have a blessed and happy new

Love Flinnie

Five day holiday

November 22nd, 2006 at 09:48 pm

Was thinking of going shoping today but,stay
ed home to hang out and just relax.

So nice to have a long weekend off.This job do have a lot of good thing going for it
the pay could be better but,I'm very thankful to have a job with such good insurence and other benefits.

Life is good I have so much to be thankful

I'm glad to have saveing advice in my life

Happy Thankgiveing to you all.



November 16th, 2006 at 03:31 am

I have tryed three new items...they have
all had Try Me Free rebate.I don't mine
trying something new when the maker payes
me to give it a wirle.

The new Dove Nourshing Hand Wash..price
$3.49 with a $3.49 rebate.

Tums Smoothies new.. Berry Fusion flavor
60 count..price $5.99 rebate only $5.49
but,use a .75 cent coupon.

New PediaSure NutriPals dninks..$5.99 free
with rebate.Will give drink to little nice.

While at Kroger the other day I come across a great buy they had the...Lysol
Neutra Air wraped in a bogof pack for
$2.99 I use my $2.00 off coupon to get
two cans for only .99 cent.

Got to love these great money saver.


Sale and Coupons

November 12th, 2006 at 08:45 pm

Two weeks ago CVS had Aquafresh toothpast
on sale for $.99.I bought five tubs for
only $.70 plus tax.

Enter the coupons I had..
$2.50 off two tubs..I got three for $.47,

$1.00 off one tub and $.01 profet,

$.75 off one tube plus the $ tub
for $.23,

What make this such a great deal is that
four of the tubs was for sensitivity.And
I also get nine free music downloads.

Yes what a deal.

Toothpast to last me for a while and ,I did'nt make a special trip to get it left
the doctor office and walked over to CVS
then walked home.


great finds

November 10th, 2006 at 09:08 pm

Went shoping at CVS they had four or five
buggies that was full of discounted stuff
halloween candy,all kind of stuff for halloween.

A lot of garden needs and the like I was'nt tempted by any of that stuff, what
cought my eyes was the many packs of my
favoret soft drink mix Crystal Light.

Need less to say I grabed up all that was in thouse buggies.There was ten... eight quart packs at only $1.49 each.A saveing
of over half off.There was also three... boxes of the Crystal Light On The Go ten
packets that was also only $1.49.

What a great deal.

What I drink most of the time is the
Wal-mart Great Value soft drink mix it
cost $1.89 for a twelve quarts pack.I was
down to my last two 12 quarts packs.

Now I wont have to buy soft drink mix for
a while.

All the Crystal Light packs had a xpg date
of 11Nov07.So they was all good.

I did give in and buy a bag of candy at
half price too.The candy was $1.49 too.


$80.00 in free groceries

November 5th, 2006 at 08:38 pm

A week or two ago I got this coupon from
Kroger...fill three prescription at the kroger pharmacy and....get $60.00 in free

So for I have gotten $40.00 in free food all
you have to do is buy $20.00 or more in groceries and it will come up when your food
is rung up.

This is a great coupon not sure if it was in
the sunday paper or some other speacial mailing.

I do have a lot of health problem the last
time I visit my doctor he gave me three new
prescriptions at once but,the coupon give you three months to fill thouse prescriptions.

I also have another coupon from Kroger it
get $20.00 in free groceries by haveing a
prescription transfer to a kroger pharmacy
from another pharmacy.Yea.

I will do that
from CVS when I have use up the other
$20.00 in free food.

It is so nice to get free stuff now free
food by doing what you would do anyway.


Problem giveing platlets

October 15th, 2006 at 01:43 pm

When I was off tuesday I went to give blood
it something I have been doing now for over
ten years.For the past three years I have
been giveing platlet.

To give platlet it take two and a half to
three hours siting with a big needle stuck
in your arm.I started giveing platlet because it good for alot of sick people and
me too.For me it thin out my thick diabetes
and heart disease blood.It make it less stickly and prone to clot.

The blood center know about all my heaalth
problem and they still wont my blood.

The problem is this time and the last three
time I gave platlet the person really mess
up my arm I know have a very very large
bruse on my arm it very sore and has swollen up.

I now wonder if it safe for me to keep
doing this?I was thinking of only give
whole blood from now on or just stoping
give all togther.If any of you know if
this is save for me because of all my
health problem let me know?

I like to give to other if it
only blood and not money.I don't wont to give this up unless I have too.


This week

October 15th, 2006 at 04:59 am

Enjoyed my three days off.Wish it had been
for the whole week.well we can't have everything can we?

Went shoping at wal-mart..found a loveseat
slipcover on sale for $11.00 was $49.94 it
was discontinted.Needed a can opener it was
$8.97.Bought a queen size flat sheet to use
on my double bed as a bed skirt it was
$10.97.My bed is exter high because Iam useing a riser under my bed so I can have extra under bed storage.

A day later I found a very nice bedskirt
at goodwill for $1.99..that was on sale
for .99 cent can't beat that.So the $10.97 sheet will go back to wal-mark.

Today I opened the window blinde to let in
the sun shine to chase away the chill in
the air...tradler are always chiller or
hoter than a house.

Did a lot of bakeing today so I won't have
to do so much cooking next week.The heat
from the oven was nice too.

Got some nice freebies in the mail this week.

Found .15 cent in street money not bad for
found money.Got to love free money.


kroger run

October 9th, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Needed a few things from kroger so walked to the store this morning.It was so nice and cool out didn't have to worry about burning
up.And was able to get some excrise too

Spent a little over $28.00 was able to use the $5.00 off $25.00 coupon that kroger had
sent me.
Bread,yougart,fresh veggie,oatmeal,soy burgers,can pineapple and coolwhip was on my
list of things needed.This was my first shoping trip in over two weeks.

Doing my best to stay out of Wal-mart that
place is a money pit.Can't be to hard on them though I did find a five shelve bookcase on sale about three weeks ago for $25.00 that I put in my
kitchen to use as a prantry.
It't working very nicely as a prantry too.

Will be cooking some of thouse veggie for
supper too.So I will be sing off now to
get started.


A raise way past time for one.

October 8th, 2006 at 12:21 am

Hellow everybody
Had no ideal it been over a month sence I last posted.Have had so many things going on in my life.

Glad to find the time to get back posting and being apart of this great group of people.Miss reading your blog to.

Belive it or not we all receive a little raise in our septmber check.For me I got Over $100.00 gross and took home $75.00 not much but,a little more to add to my saveing.

Still rakeing in the freebies...four new razer, not so sure about the Schick Intution
not as nice as I though it would be but,the other three was great.Two free diaper will give to neice she has a twelve
month old.Some good coupons and a few more
goodies.And way to many magzine.

If you all get an email from Stable be sure
to check it out.. they have five nice item
that you can get for free after the mail in and online rebate.Can be ordered online or picked up in the store.We don't
have a Stable hear in my town or the next town over so I will put my order in online
well that is a good way to save on gas.
They have a cordless phone;modem for your
pc;an accounting program;an internet se-
curity packet can't think what els ,might
only be four item not five.Very good deal

Hear in Alabama well in my little town the
schools kids are out for fall break......
that mean no work for me untill thursday.
Iam doing the happy dance.yea yea.

Was given a big bag of apple by one of the
teacher on friday so I will be eating free
fruit for a while.I like apples hope they
will keep for the next few weeks.

It feel so good writing again I realy miss


I got my summer pay?

September 3rd, 2006 at 10:07 pm

Instead of takeing time off this summer to rest and relax I took on a summer job at my
work place to make some exter money to have
a porch built on to my tradler.It was a good
ideal but,I did'nt make as much money as I though I would.

I worked for six weeks...six and a half hours five days a week for way less than

My job as a school custodian has
only two good things about I don'
have to work on the weekend or most holydays
and two the insurance ..that I only pay two dollar a month for.

Thank God for that insurance my five to six hour
stay in the hospital for the Heart Cat was
over $12,000.00.

I do need a better job but,I only finish
high school and what I have had traineing
for is cooking the jobs I have had in restaurants havent payed much eather and
the insurance is to high too buy. So with
my healthy issues I do need good insurance
That leave me between a rock and a hard

I will put this money in saveing.

I havent
forgotten my screenedin porch it will be
like haveing a extra room added on to my
tradler that I can enjoy most of the year
hear in the south.Will put it on the back
buner for now.Next time I will have extra
money will be tax time.

Well I take that back the state of alabama
might be giving us a raise and if I do get
a raise it will go into saveing too.Always
pay yourself first, off the top befor you see the money and you wont miss it.

I am happy to be back miss my posting and
reading your too.


heart scare

September 3rd, 2006 at 06:17 pm

The reasion I havent post in a while is be
cause I have been in and out of the hospitle
A few months ago I started having chest pains again.Sharp stabeing pain in my upper
back and chest.It felt like the pain I had
befor I had the bypass in 1999.

I have had all kind of test done even sign paper to have a stent put in when I had the Heart Cat done.I was told that I might even
need a stent put in my neck was haveing neck
pain too doctor though that I might have a stroke.

Some very scary stuff there for a while.
Tests come back pretty good .Doctor say he found
only a few streaks of billup plack and that I should be alright.

Still haveing pain.made appointment to see
regular doctor hope it just my arthritis,
heart burn,or gas.

Glad to be back with you all.


Spending out of controll

August 13th, 2006 at 07:48 pm

Why is it so easy to spend money we don't

For we I know it has to do with all
my credit cards.For months now I have wonted
to freeze them in my freezer .It has now
gotten to the point where I have too.Last
month I did cancel one that was going to
start chargeing me a monthy fee for careing it.I don't wont to get rid of them
all, you never know when you might need
one for an ememergency.

The July statement from my Credit Union tell
me that I have spent $404.59 over what I
bring home each month.Total spent $1,153.61.
Total bring home each month only $749.02.
Back in april I let my income tax check be
deposted into my checking acount and I also withdrew $1,000.00 from saving and
added it to my checking acount because I
did'nt wont any checks to bounce.

It not like I live way above my mean. some
time I do let myself be tempted by sales
or go to wal-mart and come out with over
$100.00 worth of stuff that I needed or
had a coupon on.I also have a lot of nice
and nephew that I try to buy bithday gift
for.I also try to keep my little pantry

That was $400.00 that could have been put
into saving.

I wont to start living off cash so when
it run out there is nothing els to spend,
my credit cards get me in just to much

So my chaillenge is to stay within my buget of $749.00 and not use any of my
credit cards for the rest of the month.


my tiny home

August 13th, 2006 at 05:04 am

Was hopeing to make this my second no spend
week but,only made it too day number nine.

I realy needed another bookcase.Have lots
of books but,only one of those short cases.
Put off buying one for many years.Had to
give in and get it.Only cost 29.98 at wal-
mart.It was one of those cheap one.would
have loved to have one that was real wood.

It is very hard living in a home with such
a lack of space.I have two very small bedrooms a kitchen and livingroom combo with
a tiny counter between them ,a tiny bathroom
without a linen closet,hall-landery room combo.
Kitchen with no built in pantry, make do
with one of those plasted shelfing unit.

I live in a small house tradler this is
the second one sence 1989 when I moved
into town.The first one was a older modle
that I had to get rid of about four years
ago.Bought this one new but,smaller did'nt
wont to get something I could'nt make the
payment on.Never had the down payment for
a real house but, with this house tradler
I was still able to have a little lot of
my own.That is the good part about it,and
I do own the lot payed cash for it in 1997
I have always been a great saver no mater
what I made.Payed 3,300.00 for the lot almost wiped out my saving.

Because of my health saving for retire
is top on my list when it come to saving
money so a real house may never be mine.
So I try every thing within my power to
make living hear in my tiny house tradler
a nice place to live.

So On I go with this strugger to retire early,live debt free ,and not have so
many money worries.

Thanks savingadvice for been hear for us



August 5th, 2006 at 06:04 am

This has been a no spend week.Still good
on household goods and fresh food.

Will try for two keeks in a row.Can't think of anything that I need or just can't live without.

with only one person to cook for eat left
overs for a few days.and use freebies...
have a big box full...bodywash,soap,tooth
past,deodorant and the likes.

Have great value drink mix and soda that
was on sale a few weeks ago to drink.So
looking good for week two.

Will need to cut grass but,have gas left
over from last wont need to buy.

Need to get spending undercontroll any
way.Tired of useing everything in checking
account to pay off credit cards bills
each month.

wont to save save save.


What a poor woman to do?

August 5th, 2006 at 04:24 am

Have'nt been on line much this week ,gone
back to work full time, summer break over.
Never really had one myself....well I guess one week was a break.

Checking my eMail can't find any thing but,someone trying to part me from my momey.It sale every where I look.
What is a poor woman to do?
This place have 30% off,a nother 45% to 60%.Got to know that....a great deal is'nt
always...a great deal.

Need to keep what little money I have in my saving account.These company are always
trying to temp us with some deal or another.Need to know when to say noo.

Work too hard for the money to have it flow
though my fingers like that.


I get a pay check after sixty days

August 5th, 2006 at 01:30 am

the first I started working on earning
some extra money to have a porch bult
onto my house.The end of June I do'nt see
a penny extra on my pay.The school have no
ideal what going on.So I waite and waite.
No one tell me from the start that this is
going to be a waiting game.
July come still I hear nothing.I make sure
my time sheet is turn in...and it is.I spend my whold summer vacation working to
earn this money and it take untill the
thirthy first of july to see any of it.

Wend your'er on a job over nine hours a day
and you can only keep your head above water it can get to you.Then to have them
keep you waiting sixty day can be a pain.

We were told that this year we will get
a raise every one is waiting for it with
bated breath.
Three years ago we got a five per cent
raise nothing sence then.Already they
are finding ways to take it back....
insurance is going up... can't win for

What does the state of Alabama care about
me and how I make it? Thank God for leting
me grow up with a mother who knows how to
pinch a penny and streach a dollar.

Iam so thankful that I have advice from
you all.


Raining cats and dogs

July 30th, 2006 at 06:27 pm

Got up early to go for a walk but,started
raining befor I could get out of the door.My garden will be good to go for a while.Plus all the free rain water that I
am catching off the roof.
It has cooled off so much I will be able to do a lot of cooking without heating up
the house so much.Will bake sweetpototoes,muffins and casorole will
have food cooked for this week.
I think I will open up doors and windows..
have'nt done that in a while.Nice to let
in some fresh air.
Glad it not thundering and lighting dog
would have a fit.
Hope to walk later on today.Now on with that bakeing.Nothing like fresh baked food
Always take my lunch to work,the muffen
will give me something diffrent for
breakfast.Even though I like cereal so
much.Plain on having a no spend week.There
are no doctor visits and I should be good
to go food and household wise.


this week

July 30th, 2006 at 06:58 am

Walked over an hour today.
This has been a so so thrifty week.
Spent twenty doller at the foot doctor again.
He tell me that it will take a very long time for my foot to heal.I had no ideal that
a fracture bone was so slow to heal.
Bought a few supplies needed soy milk,bread,fruit,can tomatoes..fresn ones are for soy bacon,lettice,and tomatoes sandwish.Eat cereal every day so got two more
boxes they were on sale and I also receved
one of those one dollar coupon good on next oder.Spent around twehty three doller for food.I know that I have enough food in storage to last a while.So will be very careful to only buy what is needed.Just
frest food as it run out.
Teacher are coming back to get ther rooms
ready.They all know that I recyle cans so
this week I took home a big bag full.
One even chared her garden bounty with me
tomatoes..she also gave me a big stack of
coupons sheets..will need to start cutting
them out

Flower pot

July 26th, 2006 at 05:12 am

Walked over an hour today.
Today was another no spend day.
At work alot of the teacher are coming back
to get there rooms ready.One of them gave
me a nice flower pot.Need to repot one of my
plants any way.Teacher are allways getting
gifts that they dont need.I have gotten plenty of nice things because of that.
It has rained four days in a row so I havent
needed to water my garden for a while.and
the rain water has to be good for the veggie.The cherry tomatoes are so good I
have gotten a few okra too.
No bills today.So nice


When do you say no to a freebie?

July 25th, 2006 at 04:06 am

Yesterday I started gathering all the
magazine I had so that I could give them
to the Thrift Store.Today Iam still at it.
I love to read..I will get in line behind
someone with a cart full of food just so
I can read a magazine that I do'nt have
the money for.
As I was gathering the magazine that I
have stacked up all over my small house.
It come to me that I have a lot of diffrent magazine so at last count it is over twenty.
Most are free subscription three or four
I payed 3.98 to 4.98 for a year.They are
stacked up because I never have the time to get around to all of them.
Tell me who need or even wont twenty maga-
zine a month? Maybe six at the most.
This has taken getting a freebie out of
hand. So when do you say no to a freebie?
My house is clutter with magazine I do'nt
enjoy because I never have the time to
read them.
Do I love getting a freebie so much that
I will put up with all this clutter?
It is time to pick and choose only what I
will use and enjoy and be happy to let
the rest go.
Freebies are a good thing but,you do have
to khow when to say no.


Another no spend day

July 24th, 2006 at 03:40 am

Need to keep these no spend days going...
Iam on a roll now.Well lets hope so.
Trying not to buy any food have plenty.
Iam sure I will need some soysomilk,bread,fresh fruit and veggie
Have stockpill of everything els.
When Freds was doubleing up to a doller coupon
bought beauty and household goods to keep
me going for a while.To tell you the truth
I really do need to use up some of these
supplies.Do'nt wont any thing to spoil...
I wonder if shampoo,conditoner,lotion,soap
and the like spoil?
Need to see how long I can go without buy
ing any household goods.
Money saved would go into saving account.
Need to save all that I can.I so wont to
retire as soon as I can. Every penny saved
will get me there sooner.
Got to go need to do a few things befor
bed time.



July 23rd, 2006 at 09:40 pm

Walked for over an hour this morning.Felt
good outside after not walking satur
day...because of the rain.Cooled off for
a little while.Save on power bill..... aircondionter stop running so much.
Did'nt last long sun back out hot as ever.

where has the weekend gone? Time wait on
no man.So much to do and no time to do it.

Need to gather all old magzine to be recycle. will give to Thrift store they
sell them for .50 a pice.Receave six to eight mag a month.Most free other only
3.98 to 4.98 per sub.Do'nt think I'll
renew them all next year just too much to read at once.

Dont know much about pc so will keep
Computer shopper coming get it free.

When you live in a small house it do'nt
take much for it to get cluttered so
you have to keep things moving.
It eather sell or give away what you do'nt love or is not beautiful.

Have to cook so I'll have food for lunch
this week...back to school for me.The
kitchen staff and teachers will be back on
the 31 of july.Have to get everything
ready for the little ones...preK-second
grader.August the 11 is D day.

This year will be our first no tax on school supplies everyone wont to get in on that.Might get a few needed things for
myself we'll see.


No spend day

July 23rd, 2006 at 05:22 am

To day was a no spend day.Can't last to
long receive third bill in the mail today.
Freebies too...Oasis mouthwash,Keep your
pet healthy cd from Hill's Scence Diet,
and coupons.
More rain today very much needed .It has
been so dry hear.Also able to save on water
bill too...did'nt have to water my gardens.

Wanted to walk but,could'nt because of the
rain,it really poured .Still a nice day though.

was'nt able to do all I had planed today..
it has to wait now.

Saved a few more cherry tomatoes from the
birds,they are so good.With all this rain
my garden might do a little better now
hope so.

My brother is a much better gardener than
Iam so for this year have receved free...
corn,tomatoes,squash,peaches,and now watermelon...
thanks big brother.


Save big time moweing my own grass

July 22nd, 2006 at 05:34 pm

Always wake up early if I have to work or
not. Went back to sleep stayed in bed un
till 8.00 this morning.
Wont have to walk today just in from moweing my grass it took me over two hours to
do it. Yes with a gas mower...lot size
54x159 not very big but, still alot of grass.Did'nt take any breaks ...that why
I am so tired.Grass has'nt been cut in
three or four foot problem is
one reasion.
I am the only woman in my neighborhood
who mowe her own grass.I feel that if I
am able to I should do it myself
myself 50.00..and get lot and lots of
Yes 50.00 that is a lot of money to pay
someone to do what I can do on my own.
I'll keep that 50.00 in my pocket.
Long as I am heathy will do all that I
can on my own.



July 22nd, 2006 at 05:08 am

Got a chance to walk twice today.You would
think that I might loose a pound or two.
I only wish.
Receved a few freebies in the mail today.
Only one bill.
This was another no spend day... fourth in a row.
Next week I go back to work full time.
School start Aug the 7.Dont know if Iam ready for all thouse little ones to come
back but,
I always tell myself that I would not have
a job if they did'nt make a mess all the
time.So I should be happy that kids are so
messy.Someone got to clean it up....
why not me.

I needed a job,everyone is nice ..when I
worked in those restaurants I was not
happy at all.Worked every weekend and at
night that was the pits.


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