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Another $20.00 added.

January 15th, 2007 at 04:01 pm

I have a lot of health problem from heart
to rheumatoid arthritis to both feet hurting all the time enought abouth that.

Kroger had this thing going about...having
a few prescription filled and for each one
they will give you a $20.00 credit to your

I had five filled for $100.00 they all
were for meds that I need everyday.

Off work today... MLK Day.. so for I have
only layed around and rested.Need to wash
dishes and do a little cleaning around
the house.

Have been devidening my plants so I can have
more in a less expenceses way.House plants
is one of the things I realy enjoy.

Also trying to loose a little weight that
will be very hard can't walk the way I
use too,but will give it my best try.

Wish me well.


my tiny home

August 13th, 2006 at 05:04 am

Was hopeing to make this my second no spend
week but,only made it too day number nine.

I realy needed another bookcase.Have lots
of books but,only one of those short cases.
Put off buying one for many years.Had to
give in and get it.Only cost 29.98 at wal-
mart.It was one of those cheap one.would
have loved to have one that was real wood.

It is very hard living in a home with such
a lack of space.I have two very small bedrooms a kitchen and livingroom combo with
a tiny counter between them ,a tiny bathroom
without a linen closet,hall-landery room combo.
Kitchen with no built in pantry, make do
with one of those plasted shelfing unit.

I live in a small house tradler this is
the second one sence 1989 when I moved
into town.The first one was a older modle
that I had to get rid of about four years
ago.Bought this one new but,smaller did'nt
wont to get something I could'nt make the
payment on.Never had the down payment for
a real house but, with this house tradler
I was still able to have a little lot of
my own.That is the good part about it,and
I do own the lot payed cash for it in 1997
I have always been a great saver no mater
what I made.Payed 3,300.00 for the lot almost wiped out my saving.

Because of my health saving for retire
is top on my list when it come to saving
money so a real house may never be mine.
So I try every thing within my power to
make living hear in my tiny house tradler
a nice place to live.

So On I go with this strugger to retire early,live debt free ,and not have so
many money worries.

Thanks savingadvice for been hear for us



August 5th, 2006 at 06:04 am

This has been a no spend week.Still good
on household goods and fresh food.

Will try for two keeks in a row.Can't think of anything that I need or just can't live without.

with only one person to cook for eat left
overs for a few days.and use freebies...
have a big box full...bodywash,soap,tooth
past,deodorant and the likes.

Have great value drink mix and soda that
was on sale a few weeks ago to drink.So
looking good for week two.

Will need to cut grass but,have gas left
over from last wont need to buy.

Need to get spending undercontroll any
way.Tired of useing everything in checking
account to pay off credit cards bills
each month.

wont to save save save.


Another no spend day

July 24th, 2006 at 03:40 am

Need to keep these no spend days going...
Iam on a roll now.Well lets hope so.
Trying not to buy any food have plenty.
Iam sure I will need some soysomilk,bread,fresh fruit and veggie
Have stockpill of everything els.
When Freds was doubleing up to a doller coupon
bought beauty and household goods to keep
me going for a while.To tell you the truth
I really do need to use up some of these
supplies.Do'nt wont any thing to spoil...
I wonder if shampoo,conditoner,lotion,soap
and the like spoil?
Need to see how long I can go without buy
ing any household goods.
Money saved would go into saving account.
Need to save all that I can.I so wont to
retire as soon as I can. Every penny saved
will get me there sooner.
Got to go need to do a few things befor
bed time.



July 23rd, 2006 at 09:40 pm

Walked for over an hour this morning.Felt
good outside after not walking satur
day...because of the rain.Cooled off for
a little while.Save on power bill..... aircondionter stop running so much.
Did'nt last long sun back out hot as ever.

where has the weekend gone? Time wait on
no man.So much to do and no time to do it.

Need to gather all old magzine to be recycle. will give to Thrift store they
sell them for .50 a pice.Receave six to eight mag a month.Most free other only
3.98 to 4.98 per sub.Do'nt think I'll
renew them all next year just too much to read at once.

Dont know much about pc so will keep
Computer shopper coming get it free.

When you live in a small house it do'nt
take much for it to get cluttered so
you have to keep things moving.
It eather sell or give away what you do'nt love or is not beautiful.

Have to cook so I'll have food for lunch
this week...back to school for me.The
kitchen staff and teachers will be back on
the 31 of july.Have to get everything
ready for the little ones...preK-second
grader.August the 11 is D day.

This year will be our first no tax on school supplies everyone wont to get in on that.Might get a few needed things for
myself we'll see.


No spend day

July 23rd, 2006 at 05:22 am

To day was a no spend day.Can't last to
long receive third bill in the mail today.
Freebies too...Oasis mouthwash,Keep your
pet healthy cd from Hill's Scence Diet,
and coupons.
More rain today very much needed .It has
been so dry hear.Also able to save on water
bill too...did'nt have to water my gardens.

Wanted to walk but,could'nt because of the
rain,it really poured .Still a nice day though.

was'nt able to do all I had planed today..
it has to wait now.

Saved a few more cherry tomatoes from the
birds,they are so good.With all this rain
my garden might do a little better now
hope so.

My brother is a much better gardener than
Iam so for this year have receved free...
corn,tomatoes,squash,peaches,and now watermelon...
thanks big brother.



July 22nd, 2006 at 05:08 am

Got a chance to walk twice today.You would
think that I might loose a pound or two.
I only wish.
Receved a few freebies in the mail today.
Only one bill.
This was another no spend day... fourth in a row.
Next week I go back to work full time.
School start Aug the 7.Dont know if Iam ready for all thouse little ones to come
back but,
I always tell myself that I would not have
a job if they did'nt make a mess all the
time.So I should be happy that kids are so
messy.Someone got to clean it up....
why not me.

I needed a job,everyone is nice ..when I
worked in those restaurants I was not
happy at all.Worked every weekend and at
night that was the pits.


Freebies freebies

July 19th, 2006 at 05:09 am

Boxman come.
Bring lots of goodies.
Fiber-sure sample,DryCleaners Secret sample kit with Lint Roller and a funky
hanger pen,Butterfly windsock nice,two free books from Harlequin ,Postcard collection,Sunflower book lables and couponds.New york Observer newspaper.
Nice haul.

Yeasterday a lots of magzine.And free book
from Charles Schwab's.

No bills...yea.



July 19th, 2006 at 04:25 am

Comeing home and being greeted as though
you were gone a such a great feeling.
Dogs are so good at that.Chance and I went
for a walk after I got home today not sure
who anjoyed it more.

Doing simple things that cost nothing but,make you happy.
Watching Chance walk just bring.a smile to my face.
She is happy just to be with me.


Doctor visit

July 18th, 2006 at 04:45 am

This is the third time I have been to see
a doctor this month.And it only the 17.
I have a few health problem.Today was just a checkup.Blood was drawn to check
my A1C,blood sugar and cholesterol.
I have diabetics and a heart problem plus arthritis.And need to loose weight.Hurt my foot in may ...just walking. Enough
of that.
My job dont pay much but ,the insurance
only cost me 2.00 a month.Plus I pay 20.00
copay on the doctor visit.
While I was out stop by CVS picked up two boxes of Golean cereal,two 4 pk of Advant
Edge protein meal replacement,Herbal essences new smampoo and conditioner all
on sale and with coupons.Two pk of Bayer
asprin with try me free coupons.Plus use one of those CVS 4.00 off 20.00 coupon.

I think all in all this was a good shoping
trip.saved 13.00 on 25.00...Over half.
yea... doing the happy dance.


Walking for exercise

July 17th, 2006 at 01:12 am

This morning I went on my daily walk.Hope
it will help me loose some weight.
Right now I dont belong to a gym.
Cant spair the money.

Like yesterday I found
two more pennies for my penny jar.Also found a garden bed edger that someone had trown out with the trash...It look like it was pratley new.
Will use to start a new flower bed.

Walking help me to clear my head ,to relax,spend sometime in the great outdoor
and let My little dog Chance have some fun.
Anyone who ever walk a dog know that they
are very good at stoping and smelling the
roses as the saying go.
I dont mind it let me enjoy it all too.
Nothing like spending time with woman best friend.

If you have never been to the south in
the summertime you have no ideal what the
humidity hear is like.when you step out
side its like steping into a steamroom.
May be all that sweating will do me good.


My run to kroger

July 16th, 2006 at 06:02 pm

Picked up cereal..two boxs of Post shredded
wheat..use 1.00 off coupon,success whole
grain rice four pk use the two BOGO coupons.Smart Balance Omega peanut butter
use 1.00 off coupon now this pb is ten cent less than kroger natural pb on sale.yea.Two boxs of kroger instant oatmeal with less sugar.8th continent soy milk use 55 cent coupon.Mrs Dash 1.00 coupon.
Added a cabbage at 39 cent a lb, cucumbers at 50 cent each,strawberry 1.88 a lb,blue berry two pt for 4.00.Not bad.
Saved a little money and walked out with
three 1.00 coupons good on next transaction.
Also used a 5.00 off coupon that was good
on a order of 25.00 or more.
Lady at check out thought I had done a good job with the coupons.
So did I.

Refund checks

July 16th, 2006 at 04:12 am

Receive two refund checks.
One I was expecting the other one had been
sent off so long a go that I had forgotten it..

The 24.37 check was from wal green super saver catalog.most months I buy something from them.

The 35.00 check was from a pc dest top opertion system that I got free with rebate.Plain on selling it on eBay. yea.Not sure what I will get for it but,what ever I get will be a profit.

59.37 will be added to my checking account.Not bad for rebates.


July 15th, 2006 at 07:18 pm

I went for a walk this morning ,need to loose some weight...30 some pounds.
Well back to the pennies. I found two of them.Why is it that someone like me is happy about finding two little red heads?
When others would have walked on by without even noticen them.

could it be that Iam a little to frugal I just like found money even if it only one cent.They add up fast,you have change when you need it.I have even rode the bus with a handfull of pennies.
Pennies pick them up head or tail..
When I see one I think a penny saved a penny earned.
No matter what they are lucky to me.

cordless phone

July 15th, 2006 at 06:22 pm

I have put off buying a new phone for
a while now but,last week office depot
had a cordless phone with caller id/call
waiting and digital answering system.
The phone was 29.99 with a 20.00 rebate.

I think my waiting has payed off very well
this time.This is a Vtech phone they
are a good company.

Now I just have to put the rebate in the

It nice to buy something and get part of your money back.

Not sure what to do?

July 14th, 2006 at 03:43 am

Some time I think all I do is worry
about my bills and how I am going to
pay them.

Do I use this extra money that I am
spending my summer vacation earning.
To have this porch built or pay bills?

This is money made for haveing a porch
bult.So why am I so torn?I need to stop

In life you have to make choices that
will make you happy and know it a good

Mail this week.

July 13th, 2006 at 04:24 am

So for this week I have receve samples
from dove,tide and jergens.

Coupon from kashi.

Free magzine..prevention,good housekeeping
and computer shopper.

I hope more goodies are on the way.
Well I try to keep up with some of what
the web has to offer.

With this site help I will do a lot better.

Thanks every one.



July 12th, 2006 at 02:53 am

I have a garden ..veggie..that not doing
so good.For years now I have tried to
go organic but,I dont think it working.

My veggie are not growninng the way
they now I am thinking about
useing some miracle grow.

Birds are eating my cherry tomatos befor
I can get to them.

I am not sure if this year garden will
put any food on my table.But I so love
fresh veggies.Wish me luck.